


Apr 1, 2015
Offered By
Big Huge Games, Inc.


About Game

Step into the realm of history, where you take on the role of a fearless ruler in DomiNations. This game is more than just a strategy warfare; it's a journey through the pages of human civilization. From the Stone Age to the Modern Era, you are charged with leading your little village into a sprawling metropolis. Clash with civilizations of the past, expand your empire, and secure victory with the might of Romans, the cunning of the Japanese Empire and wisdom of the Greeks.

How to play

  • In DomiNations, players rise to power by strategizing their battles and growing their empires. You start the game forming your own base, developing its resources and, most importantly, building an army to protect and conquer. It’s not just about advancing your city, but also about learning from the great minds through time at the University in-game. Dabble in PvP combat with other players or collaborate to form powerful Alliances. The crux of the game comes from the unique strengths each civilization has and the resource management that builds your nation's wealth. Winning isn’t only about brute force but about strategic planning, teaming up, and making technological advancements.


  • 1. DomiNations offers players a chance to lead one of 8 distinct Nations. It's a historic journey through time, offering you the chance to command fearsome armies and iconic, history-bending figures.
  • 2. With PvP combat and 50-on-50 Alliance Warfare, strategy takes the center stage. Whether it's waging war, or reaping the spoils of it, the game delivers non-stop action and excitement.
  • 3. DomiNations isn't just a game of past, but also a voyage of scientific discovery. Acquiring new technologies and sharpening your strategies drive you towards advancements and victory.
  • 4. The game pushes the boundaries with its building options, allowing you to immortalize the great Wonders of the World and landmarks in your city.
  • 5. Last but not least, DomiNations offers limited-time events so the game never gets monotonous and the rewards never stop flowing.


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