Perfect Lie

Perfect Lie


Dec 13, 2021
Offered By
Supersonic Studios LTD


About Game

Step into the exhilarating world of deception with the 'Perfect Lie' app! Here you'll explore the vast wilderness of trickery, lies, and deception. The 'Perfect Lie' aims to challenge players in a scenario where one has to deceive to move ahead. Think you can outsmart your folks? Or hid a lie from your teachers? As you manipulate and twist facts to your favor, you'll be amazed by the adrenaline rush the game offers. Are you smart enough to weave a web of deceit so perfect that you can go unnoticed? Let's test your skills and find out if you have what it takes to be the World Number 1 Liar.

How to play

  • Here is how you play 'Perfect Lie'. The gameplay is based around deception and bluffing. First, you create a 'lie scenario', where you'll fool different characters in the game, from your friends to your mom, dad, and teachers. Your goal is to successfully deceive everyone without getting caught. The game uses an intuitive point system, where points are awarded based on the originality and complexity of your lies. As you play, your lies need to become more intricate and strategically crafted. Your credibility will be tested across multiple challenges and levels. With every progression of the game, the difficulty rises, so does the thrill and excitement. So, take the reins of duplicity and let's see if you can make it to the top of the global liar's leaderboard.


  • 1. Intriguing gameplay, with a delightful dose of deceit and duplicity.
  • 2. The game is filled with exciting characters that you must trick with your lies.
  • 3. Intuitive point system that rewards the complexity of your lies.
  • 4. Multiple challenges and levels that test your creativity and cunningness.
  • 5. A Global Leaderboard to compete and compare your score with liars from around the world.


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