ABC Runner

ABC Runner


Feb 2, 2021
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About Game

Get your fingers ready and brain buzzing, ABC Runner is here! This fun-packed, dynamic game is brought to you by UmamiGames and is a real gem on the Google Play store; one that combines adrenaline-rushing excitement with mind-boggling spelling showdowns. Do you pride yourself on being a fast thinker? Ever wondered if your spelling speed matches your quick wit? That's just what you'll discover with ABC Runner, an engaging game that pits you against your friends in an epic battle of words!

How to play

  • Getting off to a flying start with ABC Runner is a simple, hassle-free process. You step into a unique world where spelling trumps all, competing in various categories. The aim? Spell answers before your friends can, faster and more accurately! The game puts you on a thrilling running race where you’re not just racing to finish lines, but also spelling words that pop up on your screen. And mind you, it’s not just about pace, but also about precision. So you'll need to be quick on your feet, quite literally, and on your fingertips too! Remember, this game rewards those who can think on their feet and spell on the go. Outpace your friends, outspell them, and rise to the top of ABC Runner!


  • Exciting Gameplay: Engage in an adrenaline-filled racing challenge that tests your quick-thinking and spelling abilities.
  • Compete with Friends: Go head-to-head against your friends, proving who has the fastest fingers and quickest mind.
  • Variety of Categories: Thrive in the dynamic environment, with various categories to keep you on your toes.
  • Easy Controls: An intuitive user interface makes game control a literal breeze.
  • Win, Win, Win: With every correct spelling, you get one step closer to victory. Start ABC running, today!


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