Hair Rush

Hair Rush


Mar 27, 2021
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About Game

Gear up for an exhilarating journey of whimsical fun and daring challenges with Hair Rush. Step into a vibrant world where you have to run through a wide array of obstacles, while flaunting your stunning hair that rapidly grows longer and brighter. Glide through delish stars and twist high into the skies, leaving your rivals in the dust. This eccentric fusion of a hair growth and running game offers a unique gameplay experience that is not just addictive, but sheer fun! Grow the most magnificent, longest hair, and perform dizzying flights, all while being part of an enduring race.

How to play

  • Maneuvering in Hair Rush is a thrilling ride. Your mission? Outrun your rivals by growing the brightest, longest hair. To control your character, a simple swipe on the screen will steer you left or right, while running into a hair dye power-up will metamorphose your hair into dazzling neon colors! For an added challenge, the course is strewn with myriad obstacles that test your agility and reflexes. Dodge them swiftly or you lose valuable points. Collect stars scattered throughout the game. Each star you collect augments your points and helps in leveling up faster. The real showstopper? The stunning twist high into the sky that counts to your score and gets you ahead of your rivals. Each match is unique and brings a new challenge, ensuring you never experience a dull moment.


  • 1. Aesthetically pleasing visuals with eye-catching neon colors.
  • 2. User-friendly controls that are easy to master.
  • 3. Varied obstacles that ensure a challenging gameplay.
  • 4. Collectible stars to quickly level up for an edge over your opponents.
  • 5. Unique twist high flight feature that adds more excitement to the game.


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