Stupid Zombies

Stupid Zombies


Feb 17, 2011
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About Game

Stupid Zombies is not just a game, it is the ultimate survival challenge with a barrage of the brain-hungry undead. Imagine this - you’re the last human alive and the world is swarming with zombies who are after your brain. Fear not, there's one weapon in your possession - a shotgun. With limited ammunition, the pressure is on, as you must leverage your strategic thinking to bring down as many zombies as possible within the constraints of the ammo supply, over a whopping 960 levels. In the world of Stupid Zombies, it's either eat brain or be brain-eaten.

How to play

  • Stupid Zombies is a simple, yet engaging game to play. As the central character, the player dons the role of a lone survivor armed only with a simple shotgun, and the aim is to eliminate the zombie menace one decaying corpse at a time. The zombies are positioned at strategic points on the map, and it's the player's job to take them down. The catch here is that you're given only a limited amount of ammunition per level, which adds an element of resource management and strategic planning to the gameplay. Direct hits on zombies will take them down, but glancing hits will also work as the bullets can bounce off of walls and other various objects. Measure your shots, use your grenades effectively, and make sure every bullet counts. When it comes to shot types, you've got straight bullets, buckshots, and even split bullets. Each shot type has its unique characteristics that can make or break your strategic plans.


  • 1. The game boasts of 960 unique and challenging levels, ensuring that there's plenty for the player to tackle.
  • 2. The availability of different ammunition types like straight bullets, grenades, split- and buckshots enhances gameplay experience.
  • 3. The game keeps you on your toes with its strategic gameplay requirements, ensuring you always have to think ahead.
  • 4. The zombie structures are set in strategic configurations, and the ricochet feature of bullets keeps the gameplay dynamic.
  • 5. The graphics are simple yet effectively add to the charm of the game, and the smooth in-game controls provide an excellent gaming experience.


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