Whiteout Survival

Whiteout Survival


Feb 9, 2023
Offered By
Century Games Pte. Ltd.


About Game

Step into a world of icy despair and frostbitten survival in Whiteout Survival. This gripping survival strategy game puts you at the helm of humanity's last city in the aftermath of a global temperature catastrophe. As civilization crumbles and mankind is faced with vicious blizzards, insatiable beasts, and merciless bandits, it's your job to navigate your people through this chilling reality. Can you outsmart the cold, establish a functioning society, and safeguard the remnants of humanity against brutal external threats? It's time to brace the cold and usher in a new dawn!

Brace yourself as you embark on a chilling journey to a post-apocalyptic glacial landscape. Confronted with lurking dangers, scarce resources and the relentless cold, your sole mission in Whiteout Survival is to ensure the survival of the last city on earth. With complex mechanics and attention to intricate details, every decision you make matters. Are you ready to take the lead and conquer these icy wastes?

How to play

  • Whiteout Survival offers an immersive gaming experience that forces you to keep your wits about you at all times. As the city's leader, you are faced with the gruelling task of assigning survivors to specific roles such as hunters, cooks, woodcutters and more. Watch as your society begins to function and grow, but remember to always keep an eye on their health and well-being. The icy wilderness outside your wall is teeming with both resources and dangers. You must balance the risk of claiming these resources against the potential hazards of the icy wildlands.
  • Engage in thrilling battles with ferocious beasts and other city leaders that share the chilling icy wilderness with you. Each victory brings you closer to asserting dominion over the ice fields and securing a safer future for your city. Along the way, you can recruit heroes with special talents and form alliances with other gamers to boost your strength. Technology sits dormant amidst the frosty wilderness awaiting to be rediscovered and utilized. Develop and master these technologies to secure an upper hand against your adversaries. Every decision is critical, as it could spell the difference between survival or demise.


  • Assign roles to survivors, ensuring that all critical jobs are filled in the city.
  • Scavenge for resources in the icy wild, but be mindful of lurking dangers.
  • Engage in strategic battles against fierce beasts and other city leaders.
  • Recruit heroes with unique talents to boost your city's defenses.
  • Form alliances with other players to increase your collective strength.
  • Rediscover and utilize dormant technologies to gain a strategic upper hand.


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