Cell to Singularity: Evolution

Cell to Singularity: Evolution


Apr 6, 2020
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About Game

Delve into the gripping narrative of evolution with Cell to Singularity: Evolution, a cosmic clicker game. Go on a journey, that began over 4.5 billion years ago, from a lifeless Solar System to a flourishing civilization at the brink of a technological singularity. Witness the humble beginnings of life from the primordial soup on Earth and slowly unravel the evolution game with each click. Uncover the path that led to significant milestones and are yet to be explored future evolutions.

How to play

  • Evolving life in Cell to Singularity: Evolution is as simple as tapping on the screen. Each click brings you one step closer to the next chapter of life’s evolution. Your aim? Gain Entropy, the primary currency of evolution, that enables you to unlock various forms of life and significant milestones in human history. But the evolutionary journey doesn't just end on Earth! You also get to upgrade tech to survive on Mars and even terraform it. Combining informative game sessions with easy clicker gameplay, it's a game that not only entertains but also educates.


  • Experience countless hours of addictive clicker gameplay that's not only fun but also informative.
  • With a blend of real-world science and speculative science fiction, discover and learn factual information about evolution as you play.
  • Witness the development of life from a single cell organism to a civilization on the brink of a technological singularity.
  • Rich 3D habitats show off the fruits of evolution, enhance your experience as you unlock varied life forms like fish, lizards, mammals, and monkeys.
  • Epic soundtrack of classical music that enhances the mood of life creation and evolution.


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