Mini Golf King

Mini Golf King


Dec 6, 2017
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About Game

Step onto the virtual green with Mini Golf King, the most action-packed mini golf game yet! This isn't your average leisurely golf game. Mini Golf King is bursting with adventure and excitement at every turn. This multiplayer golf game offers an exhilarating challenge for players worldwide, where every putt guides you through a thrilling expedition of dynamic tricks and fun.

How to play

  • Mastering Mini Golf King is simple yet challenging. Drag and release your finger to shoot the ball, similar to pool gameplay. The objective is to accumulate as many gems as possible while reaching the hole in the least amount of shots. Adding an extra layer of strategy, you can also aim your ball to collide with your rivals’ thereby claiming their gems. The game allows you to explore through a range of landscapes, complete with tube slides, swing drawbridges and jump pads. Whether you’re shooting through mazes laced with bombs or flying through the sky on accelerators, this game is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. Be sure to make the most out of every trick, every obstacle, as honing your skills is the ticket to victory in this game.


  • Mini Golf King offers exciting duels with players from around the world in real-time. With 35+ visually stunning courses, each game is a unique experience. Unlock powerful new golf equipment and upgrade your existing arsenal to improve gameplay. As you progress through increasingly advanced stages, you can rise through the ranks and compete in weekly leagues and thrilling tournament rounds to win incredible prizes. The most skilled players can earn special rewards in the Hole-in-one Challenge and the Tour Challenge. Friends can join the fun too, thanks to the feature that connects the game with Facebook.


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