Rob Master 3D: The Best Thief!

Rob Master 3D: The Best Thief!


Apr 29, 2021
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About Game

Step into the criminal underworld with Rob Master 3D: The Best Thief! This thrilling game is all about finesse, strategy, and cunning. Are you the mastermind capable of pulling off the perfect heist? Channel your inner thief as you break into highly secured facilities, dodge security forces and carry out masterful heists, all while maintaining your cool and avoiding capture.

How to play

  • In Rob Master 3D: The Best Thief, players take on the role of a skilled thief. You'll need to equip yourself with various tools such as lockpicks and ropes to infiltrate secured facilities. Be prepared to sneak past alert security guards, pry cameras away from your activities and stay out of the sight of keen-eyed dogs. Your main task will be to locate hidden safes, crack them open and grab treasures of jewels and diamonds. Just remember, getting in is only half the job; you need to get out without getting caught. Successful heists reward you with cash that you can use for luxurious rewards.
  • As the game proceeds, the difficulties level increase. You can adapt to these changes by upgrading your theft accessories and prepare yourself for the mission. The game has user-friendly touch controls and keeps players engaged with its addictive and free gameplay.


  • Simple yet engaging: The game provides easy touch controls and a gameplay that keeps you hooked.
  • Strategic gameplay: Make the best use of tools and carefully plan your heist.
  • Progression: As you progress, you'll be able to upgrade your tools and the game becomes more challenging.
  • Luxurious rewards: Successful heists will earn you cash for luxuries like a dream house.
  • Free to play: The game is completely free to play and provides endless entertainment.


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