


Oct 23, 2021
Offered By
Mattel163 Limited


About Game

Skip-Bo™, a classic card game that's enraptured millions across the globe, is now available for your mobile device. This engaging and strategic game, sharing similarities with Sudoku and coloring, elicits your problem-solving skills and fosters a competitive spirit. Beloved by players of all ages, this game has earned its niche in the card game tycoon and continues to entrance its followers with its simple yet intriguing gameplay.

How to play

  • The crux of Skip-Bo™ lies in strategically playing your Stock pile cards, using them to build piles from numbers 1 to 12. Each player initially gets a Stock pile of thirty cards, and the goal is to exhaust these first. Over the course of the game, you'll also manage a hand of five cards and four 'building' piles; you can play onto these piles in ascending order, but only the topmost card of your Stock pile can be moved. As you start to empty your Stock pile, you'll collect 'bundles' of coins that you can use towards skipping a turn or buying a 'wild' Skip-Bo card, which can be any number you choose. By winning the game, you'll unlock new levels and gain more rewards.


  • A myriad of levels await, each one offering a fresh spin on the classic game and demanding different strategies to win.
  • Rewarding players not solely with victory, but with a windfall of coins as you progress through the game.
  • A delightful blend of strategy and luck, catering to both novice and seasoned players by offering levels of varied difficulty.
  • Offering a chance for customization, with players being able to choose from diverse deck appearances and avatars, which can be swapped seasonally.
  • New events are regularly being added, furnishing players with opportunities to win special rewards and progress quicker.


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