Talking Ben the Dog

Talking Ben the Dog


Jun 17, 2011
Offered By
Outfit7 Limited


About Game

Talking Ben the Dog is a whimsical app that revolves around Ben, a retired chemistry professor who loves tranquility and enjoys simple pleasures of life like eating, drinking and reading newspapers. This app allows you to converse, tease and play with the animated character, Ben. But, you have to persistently bug him to make him put down his newspaper. Once he does that, fun times ensue! From talking, poking or tickling him to having a telephone conversation with him, the interactions are plenty and entertaining. Furthermore, when you usher Ben to his lab, he becomes as enthusiastic as a pup where you can perform chemistry experiments by mixing different test tubes to witness amusing reactions.

How to play

  • To get Ben to respond, you should first irritate him enough to make him fold his newspaper. After doing so, you can have conversations with him, poke, tickle or slap his face, belly, feet or hands to elicit a reaction. You could also call him via the app to have a phone chat with him. On the gameplay, it offers a function to record a funny video of the conversations with Ben that can be shared with your friends. The fun enhances when Ben is in his lab where you could mix any two test tubes to initiate a hilarious chemical reaction that can also be recorded and shared with friends and family. Further, Ben can be made to eat, drink or belch through the press of a button. This app provides an engaging and entertaining gameplay that will keep you on your toes.


  • This app offers a delightful play experience where you can chat with, tease and tickle Ben.
  • The chemistry lab aspect adds an educational and interactive touch to the gameplay.
  • It allows recording of fun videos that can be shared with friends, adding a social aspect to it.
  • Promotion of Outfit7's products and contextual advertising is beautifully integrated within the game.
  • It offers personalisation of the content to encourage users to return to the app while also allowing in-app purchases.


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